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Signs & Symptoms of hair loss

Hair loss is a pretty frequent problem. While it is more common in older age, it can affect anyone. With millions of hair on your head, losing a few strands of hair is not a big deal, the loss is insignificant. New hair usually replaces lost hair, however, this is not the case always.

There is nothing definite about Hair loss, it can occur gradually over time or all of a sudden. Hair loss can be permanent or temporary, depending on the root cause.

Are you looking out for signs which indicate abnormal hair loss? Trying to see if you are actually losing hair or just shedding naturally? Not sure if now is the right time to consult a doctor? Here are some signs that indicate abnormal hair loss and some ways you can eliminate them

It gets serious when you start losing more hair than usual, and it is harder to identify these patterns, it’s not exactly a piece of cake.

Uneven partitions:
If you do hair partitions, you may notice the parts of the hair becoming uneven. This might be an initial start of hair thinning

Receding hairline:
You might’ve heard it before, receding hairline. Your hairline may slightly move above your forehead after a certain age, or it could be sudden but the receding hairline is difficult to stop and may be a symptom of hair thinning. If not taken care of, it may lead to some serious hair issues.

Loose hair:
Do you often see hair on your brush/comb after brushing your hair? It’s not a problem if it’s nominal, but if you see a pattern that is higher than usual, it might be a problem. It may be a symptom of hair loss and could lead to serious consequences

Bald patches:
Do you observe bald patches across your head? Bald patches are sections of hair loss on your head. These can show up anywhere across your hair and can vary in size and density. Bald patches could lead to baldness

Clogged drains:
Do you find your shower drains and sinks clogged with excess hair? Frequent hair washing with clogged drains could mean you are losing excess hair.

Pain or itching:
Does your scalp feel itchy? Underlying conditions can cause hair loss. Skin infections and conditions could be the cause of your experiencing an itchy scalp, and it may be the problem.

Causes for Hair loss
Different underlying causes could lead to different types of hair loss, mentioned here are a few of them.

Androgenic alopecia
Androgenic alopecia is inherited hair loss and could lead to male or female pattern baldness. It is the most common and most frequently occurring cause of hair loss.

Hair loss caused by androgenic alopecia usually occurs gradually. While some
people experience hair loss as early as puberty, others may not notice symptoms
until they are between the ages of 6 and 11 years old.

Female pattern baldness frequently causes scalp thinning. It may also appear to be broadening or thinning around the portion. Male pattern baldness is characterized by increasing hair loss above the temples and crown thinning, resulting in an “M” shape.

Alopecia areata
The autoimmune disease alopecia areata causes your immune system to attack hair follicles, resulting in little to large bald patches. In some cases, it may lead to total hair loss. With this condition, people lose hair from all over their body like eyelashes, eyebrows, etc.

Effluvium anagen
Anagen effluvium is characterized by fast hair loss. This is frequently the result of radiation therapy or chemotherapy. Hair normally regrows when the treatment is finished.

Telogen effluvium
Telogen effluvium is a type of sudden hair loss caused by emotional or physical trauma, such as a traumatic event, intense stress, or a major illness. It can also occur as a result of hormonal changes, such as those seen in:

Other possible causes are malnutrition, some endocrine abnormalities, and initiation or discontinuation of birth control

Tinea capitis
Tinea capitis, often known as scalp ringworm, is a fungal illness that affects the scalp and hair shaft. It results in tiny, scaly, itchy bald spots. These patches grow in size as time goes by.

Other signs and symptoms include
fragile hair that readily breaks
scalp sensitivity scaly patches of skin that appear grey or red

What to avoid
The underlying cause for hair loss is often frequent usage of styling products and appliances. Products or tools that can contribute to hair loss include:
heated combs and blow dryers
straighteners for hair
products for coloring
bleaching agents relaxers perms
If you opt to use heating tools to style your hair, do it only when it is dry and in the lowest heat setting.
If you’re experiencing hair loss, wash your hair with a gentle baby shampoo. Unless your hair is particularly oily, consider washing it every other day or fewer

How can one prevent hair loss?
Hair fall can be reduced using or practicing the following precautions:
Hairstyles should be flowy. If you frequently wear your hair in braids, buns, or ponytails, keep them loose to avoid putting too much pressure on your hair.
Avoid touching your hair. Try to avoid pulling, twisting, or rubbing your hair as much as possible.
Dry your hair with a towel. After bathing, pat your hair dry gently with a towel. Use a towel that is not too large to avoid rubbing your hair or twisting it within the towel.
Aim for a nutrient-dense, well-balanced diet. Make an effort to include plenty of iron and protein in your snacks and meals.You can also practice the use of hair care products that are not harmful to your hair. Products that contain formaldehyde, sulfates, silicone, and paraben deal a lot of damage to your hair. Try using products that go easy on your hair. Beauty Garage’s hair care products are formulated with the latest technologies and are free of harmful ingredients. Our products deal no harm and add more to your hair than you can imagine. Our latest formulation, a retention series is crafted with the goodness of Shea Butter. A wonder ingredient to condition,
moisturize and nourish your hair.

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